

Hello Students !

On behalf of every member associated I welcome you to Rudra Institute of Technology. On this opportunity, I would like to share some of my personal beliefs. Dreaming is a common and pleasant attribute of human nature, but only few persons are fortunate enough to have their dreams come true, particularly in their lifetime. I am one of those lucky persons who have seen with their own eyes the transformation of their sweet dreams into reality. So, in that era the education structure offered to us students by society was not in reach of many capable students due to many reasons like money, distance, responsibilities etc. So, I would constantly dream of doing the impossible in those times to make education reach every doorstep and made available to students in present time what we were not able to afford in my time. Keeping in mind the quality and advances in the education sector, the need for a contemporary institute, generating budding professionals, was inevitable Rudra Institute of Technology has been established to meet this very challenge. Our focus is to instill professional, moral and intellectual values in the youth.

The unique approach starts with close linkage with industry and its participation. Learning should be based on doing things and not merely knowing things. Until and unless learning solutions relate to real life and motivate the learners to acquire and apply their knowledge, the whole process will remain superficial. Any educational institution worth its name looks to optimize the productivity of global leaders. Our institution has set specific objectives and planned activities for achieving excellence in all spheres of education, research and innovation.

“As the chairman of this institution, I anticipate the full participation and cooperation of the students and parents to make it possible for us to transform those dreams to reality. And if there is any assistance that you might need, may it be personal or professional, I shall always be willing to hear from you.”

Dr. Somendra Tomar
Rudra Group of Institutions
(Meerut) Uttar Pradesh